Perinatal Services

Infant CPR Skills

As an experienced teacher of CPR and Infant choking rescue, I am proud to offer my expertise in both to parents and caregivers. Infant CPR is a crucial skill that can potentially save a baby's life in the event of an emergency. I will provide hands-on training and guidance on the proper techniques for performing infant CPR. I will teach you how to assess an infant's breathing and pulse and how to administer rescue breaths and chest compressions if necessary.

During our session, I will also cover common scenarios that may require infant CPR, such as choking and drowning, and how to respond quickly and effectively to these situations. My goal is to ensure that you feel confident and prepared to handle any emergency situation that may arise. I will provide a supportive and informative environment, and I welcome any questions or concerns you may have throughout the training.

By learning infant CPR skills, you can provide a safe and secure environment for the infants in your care. Don't wait until an emergency occurs – contact me today to schedule your infant CPR training session.


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